Hey Fit Fam!

Here’s your Tuesday dose of what’s going on in DMP Fitness World!

DMPFood: 🍕 Pi Day Gluten-free Pizza Crust 🍕

Pi Day was celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159. Pi Day is an annual opportunity for math enthusiasts to recite the infinite digits of Pi, talk to their friends about math, and eat pie. - https://www.piday.org/

Even though Pi Day was a couple of days ago, I still wanted to share my gluten-free crust recipe that I used to make my Pepperoni Chicken Supreme Pi on that day. This Gluten-Free Pizza Crust recipe should be simple staple for your Gluten-Free kitchen, and one of the best no-knead gluten-free pizza recipes out there.

You are going to love this gluten-free pizza crust!


  • ¾ cup warm water

  • 1 tablespoon sugar

  • 1 packet yeast (¼ oz.)

  • 2 cups (285g.) gluten-free flour blend

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1 large egg

  • 1 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1 teaspoon cider vinegar


  1. Set pizza stone or heavy baking sheet on lowest rack of oven, and preheat to 450°F.

  2. Mix water, sugar, and yeast and let sit for 5 minutes, or until it looks foamy.

  3. In electric mixer bowl, mix flour blend and salt.

  4. Add in egg, olive oil, vinegar, and yeast mixture.

  5. Mix on low speed for 1 minute.

  6. Using an oiled spatula, transfer the gluten-free pizza dough onto a piece of parchment paper.

  7. Using oiled hands, spread dough into a 10-12-inch round.

  8. Bake for 8-10 minutes.

  9. Add toppings. I used tomato sauce, Italian Blend cheese, mixed veggies (red onion, zucchini, squash, mushrooms, red/green bell peppers, green olives), pepperoni, & chicken breast.

  10. Bake for an additional 8-10 minutes & Bon Appetit!

    Pepperoni Chicken Supreme Pi

Macro Breakdown (approx.)

Serving Size: 1 slice

(8 servings per Pi)

  • Calories: 424

  • Fat: 24.7g

  • Carbs 2.4g

  • Fiber: 0.5g

  • Protein: 45.6g

    Black Magic Supply - 8 Exercises To Blow Up Your Triceps!!!!

These triceps exercises are challenging and will provide you the strength you need to keep pushing yourself in the gym.

Your triceps account for roughly 60% of the mass in your upper arm. You use your triceps as an assistance muscle group for most chest, shoulder, & even back exercises. So it’s very important to make sure working them directly to help your other muscle groups get stronger & grow!

Check out these 8 triceps exercises..

1. Close-Grip Bench Press
All bench press movements work the chest primarily, but you can modify the position of your arms on the bar to emphasize your triceps more. To execute, perform the following steps:

Grab a barbell with an overhand grip, keeping your index fingers on the inside edge of the knurling (i.e. the rough and textural part of the bar)
Slightly arch your back to create minor space between your lower back and the bench. Lift the bar off the rack and hold it above your sternum, keeping your arms completely straight and your elbows tucked at 45-degree angles or less on either side.

Don’t lower the bar all the way to the chest. Only descend half way or 3/4 down to emphasize the triceps more. Aim for 6-12 reps at 3-5 sets. For the last set, consider doing a drop-set, by reducing the weight 12-25% and then increasing the number of reps, pushing yourself to failure.

2. Cable Rope Triceps Pushdown

Attach a bar or rope to the cable station’s high pulley.
Grab the bar with an overhand grip or a rope with a neutral grip, keeping your arms bent at 90 degrees at the elbow and your hands shoulder-width apart. Don’t tuck your upper arms toward your sides like you’ve probably heard in the past. It’s better to have your arms slightly abducted away from your body because the long head of your triceps attaches at the scapula (shoulder blade) and not keeping your arms completely by your side allows to fully contract that muscle. Keep your upper arms in position, then extend your elbows to full extension.
Return to the starting position and repeat.

3. Lying Triceps Extension

This exercise is sometimes known as the skull crusher and while there’s more than one way to perform it (over-the-head vs behind-the-head, for instance), elbow extension remains constant.

After you’ve mastered other triceps workouts and exercises, bring this one into the fold. To supercharge this exercise, perform this triceps exercise and a dumbbell chest press as a superset.

Here’s another variation:

Press an EZ bar over your chest in the overhand grip position. Extend your arms straight up. Keeping your elbows tucked in and your arms perpendicular to the floor, gradually lower the bar until it’s just above your forehead by about an inch. Slowly bring your arms back to the starting position without locking your elbows

4. Triceps Dips

Here’s another triceps exercise for men who have more experience under their respective belts. It involves using your entire body weight and should be avoided by those with weak shoulders. Start with 3 sets of 8-12 reps with body weight. If you can do up to 20 reps with body weight, I’d suggest investing in a weight belt and performing weighted dips.

Prop yourself up on the parallel bars, keeping your torso perpendicular to the floor. Maintaining your original position throughout, bend your knees and cross your ankles. Lower your body until your shoulder joints are below your elbows or just before you reach that position. Push back up to the starting position, until your elbows are just short of locked.


5. Diamond Push-Ups

A more strenuous alternative to your standard push-up, you can perform this triceps exercise from the comfort of your own home.  Here’s how:

Assume the push-up position, but with your hands together in a diamond-like formation (i.e. index fingers and thumbs touching).
Keeping your back straight, lower your chest until it almost touches the floor. Just like the dips, if you can perform more than 20 reps, get a partner to add weight to your back or invest in a weight vest to add more resistance.

6. Standard Push-Up

If the Diamond push-ups are too challenging, you can perform the classic push-up which builds strength in your core, chest, and triceps. To crank up that intensity dial, consider bringing in a weight vest. Keeping your hands beneath your shoulders, your core locked, and your body in a straight line, prop yourself above the floor on your hands and toes. Lower your body until your chest is just above the ground. Thrust upward.


7. One-Arm Overhead Extension

Odds are you’re already doing something like this, making it a fairly simple and approachable triceps exercise. Here’s how to execute:

Sit perfectly upright on a workout bench and grab a dumbbell with one hand. Holding the dumbbell, lift your arm slightly behind your head with your elbow bent. Extend your elbow until your arm is straight overhead. Perform 6-12 reps with one arm before switching to the other to finish the set.


8. Standing Overhead Cable Triceps Extension + Straight Arm Cable Pull-Down

Attach a rope to the high pulley of the cable station. Grab the handle and face away from the machine, keeping your hands even with your shoulders. Fully extend your arm forward in front of your head. Return to the starting position. Repeat for 6-12 reps.

Move directly into a straight arm cable pull-down, which involves grabbing the handle from the top pulley, palms facing one another. Bend 30 degrees forward at the waist, keeping your arms fully extended. Pull the bar down until your hands are even with your thighs. Return to the starting position and repeat.

To help you recover from those massive triceps workouts, purchase the Fruit Whirls Protein and recreate my St. Patrick’s Day Green Protein Shake (video below) at Black Magic Supply, use my product code: #DMPBlk15 for 15% off


Read about Sharon Zauderer”s Transformation

“Personal training was crucial for me to develop the dedication needed for losing weight and getting back into shape. Darryl helped me find this dedication through the combination of his training skills, motivation, and personalized fitness program.” - Sharon

Let’s finish March strong! All training packages are 17% off right now! Let me help you get in shape & you’ll be ecstatic with results as well!! Use code #SKILLZ17 at checkout. Training pages here: ALL SKILLZ, NO LUCK

Have a referral for me.. send them my way & when they sign up I’ll show you my appreciation with a $25 referral fee!!


Repost from Territory Foods

Mouthwatering March Menu

As we move closer to Spring, we’re brightening our menu with fresh seasonal flavors to get us through the last days of winter.

Use my product code: #DMPFood & get $50 off! Order at https://www.territoryfoods.com/


🆓 Try it before you buy it 🆓
Black Magic Supply Samples!!!

Here's what I have:
1️⃣ BZRK™ - comes loaded with over 16 grams of powerful actives per dose providing muscle primers, powerful nootropics and pump inducing technology to deliver maximum effectiveness for each and every training session.
2️⃣ Black Magic Multi-Source Protein is loaded with a supreme combination of whey protein, micellar casein, egg albumin enzymes, and mct's that will induce incredible recovery, improve daily performance, as well as boost your muscle gains with each and every scoop.
3️⃣Skull Dust is loaded with a supreme combination of colombian-espresso coffee, organic tumeric, grass fed collagen, grass fed ghee, and essential fatty acids that will induce extreme brain power, improve daily performance, as well as boost your immune system with each and every scoop.
4️⃣ Brain Waves is a energy and focus product. Its going to give you the energy keep you need while keeping you smooth without the crash.
5️⃣ Magic Eraser is formulated with a Fat Vanishing Matrix, a unique combination of fat-torching ingredients like Acetyl-l-Carnitine, Garcinia Cambogia, Kanna. Green Coffee Bean, Caffeine, and more! This powerful combo helps you last longer during the tough gym session, lose excess weight and recover faster.
📥 All you have to do is message me with your address and I'll send you 2 samples (while supplies last). That's it!

Use my product code: #DMPBlk15 to get 15% off your order at www.blackmagicsupply.com!

That's all I have for this week. If there's anything more you'd like to see, please let me know. You guys have a wonderful week!


To your health!

DMP Fitness

Your Goals + Our Design = Get You Fit

Owner/Master Trainer

Email: Darryl@dmpfitness.org

Web: www.dmpfitness.org
